Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In the Heart of New France

Somehow the street vendors selling prints of paintings and drawings are still selling things, in the Quebec cold.

Place-Royal, in the Basse-Ville.  The place where Samuel de Champlain first landed in 1608 and planted the flag for New France.

This is a house museum off the Place-Royal.  In it, one of the security guards, being curious, asked us where we were from.  Upon hearing our answers, he started quizzing me about how much money the fines are for speeding.  He apparently has difficulty making the switch between miles and kilometers.  And my answer of, "It depends on the state and how much over the limit you were going, and if there is construction," didn't quite cut it.  Though it could have been the language barrier.

The Saint Lawrence Seaway, from the Haute-Ville.

The Saint Lawrence from the Basse-Ville.  Though still icy, the river is not safe for skating.  Clearly.

Being in Quebec really felt as though I were at some northern outpost and that beyond it things started to get...  wild?   Or like a Roman centurion stationed along Hadrian's Wall.   

Stan Rogers' Northwest Passage.


Mum said...

There are nice good photos in this posting. I love the colorful roofs, shutters, and doors on the old stone houses of Quebec. I am especially taken with the one with the yellow door, shutters, and window box. I am drawn to it. Maybe it should be an entry in the BOFFJ Art Show.

Lea said...

What a lovely city. I want to visit.