Sunday, June 15, 2008

Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava

Barbara and I went to the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, where she works in the Paper Conservation studio teaching Photograph Conservation.  The Academy also contains multiple other fine art studios, not just conservation.   

The disciplines at the Academy are not the same as the disciplines at WUDPAC.  There is paper, easel paintings, wall paintings, stone sculpture, and wooden polychrome sculpture.  Photograph conservation is taught under the auspices of paper conservation. 

This past weekend was when the graduating students presented their diploma work.  Another friend, Jana (nicknamed Janka) is graduating.  I got to see part of her work, but not herself, as she was at a conference in Paris.

From what I understand, the students do a short presentation on the work they completed during their final year of study.  They are also questioned by a group of 'readers' - any audience members with questions or comments are welcome to participate as well.  If they can successfully defend their work, they are awarded their diploma.  It is not unlike WUDPACs process.

Part of the diploma work involves exhibiting treated items.  Pictured are some of Janka's objects.  Displayed are the treated works, and on the table below are her documentation photographs and condition/treatment reports.  This was really great for a visitor like me. 

The students also make elaborate posters of their work, which Barbara and I agree is unnecessary, as the actual objects are displayed right there in front of you.

Two photographs treated by Janka.  The BT is a photograph of the documentation image.  The AT is the real thing.  Sorry about the crappy images, as both were behind glazing. 

These signs were outside the paper lab.  Sorry, no smoking and no people - paper labs need to be clean and smoke-free - paper is flammable and, honestly, people are just so dirty!

What is in this flat file drawer?  Can't tell you.  I couldn't look.  It's top secret.

Flirting with the Slovakian board shear (made in Czechoslovakia, fyi).  Board shears are possibly my favorite machine ever.

Wall painting reconstructions - created, purposefully damaged, and then filled and inpainted in different styles.

Easel painting reconstructions.  A familiar sight from my undergraduate days.

The sculpture conservation studio: a really lovely space in which to make huge messes.

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