Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday Busyness

So I painted my room yesterday.  I had been meaning to do it for quite some time, and had purchased the paint far in advance.  However, since I wanted to keep the window open to aid the paint in its off-gassing process, the Canadian Winter was not the optimal time.  Yesterday the day was beautiful, so I flung open the window and cracked open the paint can.

Don't judge - everyone should have a Saint Jude candle.  Good for lost causes and power outages.

The painting required lots of furniture-shifting and subsequent stool-standing and wriggling-through the resultant furniture maze.  But, it was totally worth it (my landlord paid for the supplies - awesome).  My painting is all that Flatmate Andrea has talked of since I began.  It seems to be a mixture of amazement (since I did it by myself, and seemingly randomly) and admiration (since I did a good job).

The day was so beautiful I also took a mid-afternoon painting pause to mess around with the 'sun paper' I bought in Rochester.  This is the same stuff the boy/girl scouts would use to make photogenic drawings of leave and stuff at summer camp.  I remember lying in the grass outside the nature center at Camp Curry Creek with Beth and Gina, waiting for the blue paper to turn white, so that we could make our sun pictures.  The mint-tin is full of thumbtacks and is vintage my undergrad drawing courses.  Not mints.

Since there aren't really any real leaves out yet in Ottawa, I used some awesome negatives from my digital negative stash.  Lisa and I made loads of digital negatives last year as part of our historic photographic processes elective course.

In progress.

Conclusions: sun paper is good for photogenic drawings but not so hot for actual negatives.  Yesterday's results, though not pictured, were not as good as the prints Lisa and I made in our elective course.

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