Monday, August 18, 2008

Demel, alternately titled, Kirby is Brilliant

As mentioned previously (see Gin & Tonics with Kirby), Louise and I had paid a visit to Kirby, a 45 year expatriate resident of Amsterdam, with whom we had spectacular gin & tonics.

Kirby inquired where we were traveling after our time in Amsterdam.  I said I was heading to Vienna and that I was looking forward especially to visiting the Albertina (of which I had heard so much).  He told me about this place called Demel, to stop and get a pastry or a coffee or chocolate or anything, that it would be absolutely splendid.  He gave me brief directions, of which I did not remember much except 'Hofburg Palace'.  And today, as I was randomly strolling toward the Hofburg Palace, I turned to look at the shop to my right, and what do I see?

Inside the shop.  Really, they do seem to sell everything sweet.

The patterned floor.

My selection at Demel: strawberry gelato.  Thanks Kirby, that recommendation was brilliant.


Ynn said...

Our gelato experience in Wien was at Zanoni & Zanoni which had been recommended to us by Matt Mazzoni's wife who had studied in Vienna during college. I had nutella - yummy. We sat in the statue of Johannes Gutenberg to eat it as I speculated on why there was a statue of German Gutenberg in Vienna. Guide told me next day "because he was very important. He let us all to read."

DPLK said...

Love those floor tiles!

Be careful with the heavy luggage, and have fun! If you have time, please call me when you get back--if you cant stop by the 'burgh on your way to canada, and you have a free weekend before you go, we can possibly pop up to see you...

good news: the baldy (and i) got an interview slot with the immigration ppl, so he's on his way!