Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fourth of July, Old-Fashioned

The Brockway Old Fashioned Fourth of July is a pretty complex event: when asked, I usually say, "My hometown does it up Norman-Rockwell style."  Which is pretty accurate.  Having experienced the glory of a Brockway July 4th two years before, Liang and Michael made the journey up

Highlights include the Tastee Freeze.  This is Liang's photo, and I think it's the best photo of the Tastee Freeze even taken.
Gun range.  Here, Quick-Draw Doc lines up her shot while the Lil'Bro and Michael look on.  Both Liang and Michael were very good shots, impressing both the Timmy and the Lil'Bro! 
The Timmy was delighted!  Bangs and booms and eager participants!  Such fun!
Fresh off her Pittsburgh Half-Marathon success, Liang joined in the 10K Firecracker Race while Michael and I cheered and acquired coffee for the post-finish line prize (Michael's photos below).
For more shooting, running, picnicking, and parading, check out Michael's blog.

1 comment:

Mum said...

Glad to have everyone home for the 4th of July. The weekend passed so quickly, I'd love to do it all over again.